woman with perfect teeth on a summer beach

How to save your teeth this summer!

June 12, 2024

Summer time is upon us so here are our top tips for keeping your teeth healthy in the fun and sun of summer!

  • Wear SPF chapstick!  As a dental office, we care about everything that surrounds your smile, including your lips!  High UV rays can negatively change the skin around the mouth resulting in blisters, ulcerations and potentially pre cancerous cell turnover.  Wearing an SPF chapstick decreases the possibility of your lips getting burned.
  • Don’t open your summer libations with your teeth!  Seems like a funny idea, but PLEASE do not open your canned or bottled beverages with your teeth!  Doing so can lead to tooth fracture or tooth loss, which is no party trick!
  • Don’t chew ice!  I know it’s tough trying to beat the Charleston heat, but please do not chew on ice.  Countless dental crowns have been needed for teeth fracturing after chewing ice.  Keep your ice in your cups so your smile stays healthy!
  • Listen to your lifeguards and DON’T run at the pool!  Sounds silly, but eating concrete is a surefire way to spend an emergency visit at the dentist.  Pool decks can be extremely slippery so save your teeth and just walk!
  • Make you child’s cleaning appointment while they’re out of school!  Take advantage for the break in the school year so your child does not have to miss school for their regular appointments.

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